by bertytonta | Sep 4, 2023 | Benefits, French, Local FR, Real Estate
S’élevant en retrait de l’agitation citadine, “River Park Residences” est un havre résidentiel singulier, mêlant appartements, maisons de ville, duplex et villas, le tout longeant la pittoresque ‘Route de Marbella’ et bordé par la...
by bertytonta | Sep 4, 2023 | Benefits, French, Local FR, Real Estate
Plongé dans une atmosphère évoquant les cités européennes, le quartier de The Grove est une véritable mosaïque urbaine à dimension humaine. C’est un lieu où le dynamisme des habitants et visiteurs fait écho à la vivacité de la nature environnante. Entre allées...
by bertytonta | Sep 4, 2023 | Benefits, French, Local FR, Real Estate
Situé sur la route de Geoffroy, en plein cœur de la Zone Industrielle de Bambous à Maurice, ce ‘Business Park’ d’exception occupe un emplacement stratégique dans une région en plein essor et très convoitée. L’ensemble bénéficie...
by bertytonta | Sep 3, 2023 | Benefits, English, Local, Real Estate
This prominent new business park is located in Geoffroy Road, Industrial Zone, Bambous, Mauritius. A strategically situated area in a very sought after and rapidly developing region. The development benefits from access to an already well established infrastructure...
by bertytonta | Sep 3, 2023 | Benefits, English, Local, Real Estate
Inspired by the atmosphere of European cities, the Grove precinct has been designed as a lively neighbourhood on a human scale. It hums with the energy of its residents and visitors. With its beautiful tree corridors, shady terraces and cycling and pedestrian paths,...
by bertytonta | Sep 3, 2023 | Benefits, English, Local, Real Estate
Nestled away from the hustle and bustle of the town, ‘River Park Residences’ is a unique residential development of apartments, townhouses, duplexes and villas along the ‘Marbella Road’ and bordering the River Sèche, where nature and urban lifestyle dwell...